With its’ emotionally painful drawn out cathartic therapies the mental/emotional therapy universe can be as mystifying as it is nebulous.   Now navigate your way toward stress free nirvana; finally here is a breath of fresh air you have waited for.

Finding your inner balance, peace and inner wisdom is easier than you think.
Follow the path to painless lasting transformation straight into a happier life.
This new relaxed living and being can be experienced and learned quickly.

As children we are taught from a young age not to look out the window and daydream, but rather focus on school work; as young humans we are taught to walk on one leg, rather than two, by being convinced to perceive life from limited rational, linear thinking and ignoring our perceptive intuitive limitless mind.

No matter your age you can learn to engage, enjoy and work in both.

We will help you expand your view of reality to encompass the root causes and root sources of the problems you face. Through exploring multiple dimensions we painlessly find the solutions you seek; the balance you feel will be astounding.
Learn new awareness, new abilities to deal with your ever changing life & world.

Do you remember learning to ride a bicycle?  It took focus and balance. It also took someone running beside you until you could ride it yourself.  I teach skills to engage your left and right brain to consciously experience the deeper vibrations of your brain. You can learn to relax and be open to your deeper wisdom, relying on it in all aspects of your life. You learn to live life with your head lights on, to make decisions aligned with your integrity, meaning and purpose.

There is value to working with another person that is not inside your skin,  similar to a golf student. The golf instructor can watch the angle of the club swing and can assist the student to be aware of what is really happening. I give you an expanded access and view of reality. You learn to experience new deeper dimensions.

We teach by encouraging you to access dimensions of yourself that you may not be accustomed to, perhaps you are not aware of; the essence of who you really are.

We use a combination of leading edge fields in human consciousness.
Non-touch Pranic Healing TM is the most accurate, comprehensive understanding and the most effective treatment we have found globally of the interpenetrating human energy systems.
The new holographic quantum science in human consciousness based on quantum science now understand how general anesthetic works as well as how belief systems affect us.

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Sound/Music/Sonic therapy is offered in easy, effective, elegant Sonic-healing TM treatments available to download.    Sonic button/ contact **

Learn new skills, tools, awareness, new abilities to deal with stress & change.
Join thousands who opt for the painless expanded path to happiness & peace.


We have been in integrated healthcare and optimum wellness for many decades. We have scanned thousands of people and groups.  If you’re frustrated and disillusioned and keep saying “what is wrong with me” you have come to the right place.

We all get bombarded by so many things to improve our health.  I know how you feel. We appreciate your interest in assessing some of your current health levels.

You may gain insights that perhaps previous to this you had no awareness.

As the saying goes; half of solving a problem is to discover what the problem is.

Rather than sorting through layers of issues we can focus on the essential ones.

We are experts in scanning, having taught over one thousand students as well as many advanced intern practitioners and teachers. We provide high quality feedback and education about different aspects of your intricate interdependent systems.

We can help you jump start your health, inner peace and contentment.

First by assessing where you are on your journey and second by what you want.

The scan is an intricate non touch reading of the varying conditions of your physical, emotional and mental bodies.  Each system is also analyzed and read. From decades of working in these dimensions we are able to sense harmonies or imbalances.

From this place we evaluate with grace, no beating ourselves up, just objective evaluation.   Where am I now?  Where do I want to go?  What do I need?  How committed am I to take action to get success?  What things could hold me back?

We work effectively with people who are experiencing pain, stress or frustration. Some people feel stuck and want to move forward in life but are unable to.

We help them pinpoint their issue, many people welcome help in finding defining their main challenges and creating a plan to transform them into solutions.

We have found most people are willing to take action if they are given useful tools.

Your benefits include clarity and focus. You gain a deeper understanding of your self and your stressors with realistic goals.

We help you find, listen to and communicate with your inner wisdom to create a solid feeling of empowerment calm and strength.

Our goal is empowering you to the best of my ability.  We can not do 100% – but if we get the scan and from that get a plan,  we commit to helping you with your goals. We will teach you skills to practice and master. You will be encouraged and guided.


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